Date – 25 May 2024
Time – 12:00 am

Bute Park nurseries, Cardiff – morning visit

Bute Park, Cardiff afternoon – self-guided

Behind Cardiff Castle just a short walk from the city’s main high streets and civic centre, Bute Park is the green heart of the city. Explore a superb tree collection, natural play features, a visitor centre, three cafes, and a wealth of horticulture and wildlife. Bute Park is a Green Flag site and a CADW Grade 1 listed park. Read about the history of the park.

Exact timings for all of the above TBC. Please contact the Branch for further information.

Please Note:

Members from any branch are invited to our visits. It is usually requested that any member wishing to attend makes contact with us at

Whilst we will try to stick to the above details, it may be inevitable to have to make amendments or cancel a trip due to unforeseen circumstances. Details of any visit are liable to change and it is best to await a visit notification nearer to each visit or by getting in touch with the Branch before each event.